Executive Director of Source Workplace, Sean Melbourne, joins Saranne Segal on the Peace at the Water Cooler podcast to discuss workplace investigations and conflict resolution in the workplace.
In the podcast episode, Sean explained learnings from his experience with workplace investigations and emphasised the need to shift towards a human-based approach when dealing with workplace conflicts. Sean highlighted the importance of having a well-designed conflict resolution framework and being proactive in conflict resolution in the workplace by cultivating a culture of open communication and togetherness.
The podcast episode discusses all things good, bad, and ugly around workplace investigations, including:
- The optimal timeframe for a workplace investigation.
- The impact and challenges imposed on a workplace during an investigation.
- Recommendations for conflict resolution in the workplace.
- The importance of formulating an effective conflict resolution framework.
- The hidden costs and impacts of lengthy workplace investigations.
- Ways to avoid lengthy workplace investigations.
Listen to the episode here.