Design and Distribution Obligations
Uncover essential obligations for issuers and distributors, learn to craft effective TMDs, and navigate reporting requirements confidently. Please provide your details below to be sent an invoice and the training video.
Open House: The Next Level (Sydney)

From our humble beginnings in 2018 to reaching new heights today, we couldn’t have made this journey without you—our valued clients and trusted business partners. As we move into our new office space, we embark on a new chapter, and we want to celebrate this exciting milestone with those who have helped make it […]
Open House: The Next Level (Brisbane)

From our humble beginnings in 2018 to reaching new heights today, we couldn’t have made this journey without you—our valued clients and trusted business partners. As we move into our new office space, we embark on a new chapter, and we want to celebrate this exciting milestone with those who have helped make it […]
Register to view: Are you ready for the New Federal Wage Theft Laws?
Wage Compliance & Unfair Contracts: Legal Update & Networking Event
You’re invited to join us at our Wage Compliance & Unfair Contracts: Legal Update & Networking Event, which will provide you with insights and practical solutions to navigate the evolving legal landscape impacting your business.
Source Governance Inaugural Networking Event

We would love the opportunity to introduce you to our growing team and showcase our new offices and facilities now available to our clients. We look forward to celebrating with you!
Incidents, Breaches & Reportable Situation Regime

As an AFSL holder, it is crucial to understand the obligations around identifying, investigating and remediating breaches, as well as comprehending reporting requirements to ASIC, exemptions, and implementing measures to ensure adherence to compliance standards. Join us next week to hear from Jenny Mulders, Executive Director of Compliance at Source and Jessica Smith, Special Counsel […]
Closing the Loopholes: Legal update & Networking
You’re invited to join us at our Employment Law update and networking event designed to equip you with practical solutions to navigate the evolving landscape of employment law. Navigating employment law can be complex, which is why our event will go beyond legal jargon and offer actionable insights. Join us as we delve […]