Sónia Cruz

Executive Director, Licensing (Hamilton Locke)

Sónia has a unique blend of practical financial services and compliance experience across a range of financial services sectors. She works with clients applying for financial services and credit licences by navigating the intricacies of licensing and preparing their business to operate in a regulated environment.

Sónia is part of the Hamilton Locke team and works closely with Source Compliance to get the best outcome for clients during the licensing journey. She advises applicants on licensing strategy, liaises with ASIC on licensing matters and manages the preparation of documents required for licence applications. Sónia’s detailed profile can be accessed here.

Prior to joining Hamilton Locke, Sónia worked at The Fold Legal, which merged with Hamilton Locke on 1 September 2022. Prior to that, she held roles across a number of multinational organisations encompassing compliance, financial planning and stock broking.

Areas of Expertise

Financial Services; Licensing; Compliance Advice


Bachelor of Business – Charles Sturt University
Advanced Diploma of Financial Services – Kaplan Professional

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