Privacy Awareness Week 2024

Source is proud to support the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s 2024 Privacy Awareness Week (PAW).

This year’s theme of ‘power up your privacy’ encourages businesses, organisations and individuals to consider steps that can be taken to enhance transparency, accountability and security.

Data-driven technology is providing promising advances for both the private and public sectors. However, in this environment where data is being captured constantly, Australian Privacy Commissioner Carly Kind highlights that most Australians want to have greater power over their personal information.

The message to businesses is clear: to support consumer trust, the right decisions must be made to adequately protect and respect data and steps must be taken to ensure that privacy practices are fit for purpose.

While the precise detail of the long-awaited reforms to the Privacy Act is not yet known, there are are clear signs from the Government that it supports significant reform to the Privacy Act (albeit, not in the short-term). This “political will” for reform, combined with increased community expectations and regulator enforcement activity, means organisations should take steps now to “power up” their privacy practices.

To help, we’ve pulled together a quick guide to help you take steps to improve your organisation’s privacy – and prepare for the upcoming proposed reforms to the Privacy Act coming later this year.

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