On-tap legal support to bolster your in-house legal team

Many in-house legal teams face capacity pressures or need additional expertise in particular areas of law. Source has a unique model that gives your team the extra support they need without having to add headcount, use expensive secondment or placement services or instruct traditional law firms.

For an agreed monthly fee that is based on and tailored to your business, Source provides unlimited support for business-as-usual legal needs. There are no hourly rates and no counting of time, so you have complete budget certainty.

You will have one point of contact and they will bring in other lawyers as needed to add capacity or provide additional expertise. This means that instead of getting the expertise of just one legal counsel you will have access to a team of lawyers with specialised expertise and industry experience. In essence, we become a seamless extension of your in-house legal team.

Our team has been built over ten years with one goal in mind: to provide businesses with the skills and expertise that great in-house lawyers provide.

Our lawyers are dynamic and responsive, highly commercial in their approach and provide decisive advice.

Comparison of the Source model with other forms of support for in-house legal teams:

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Hiring someone
On demand lawyers
Fixed monthly fee agreed upfront based on your business (not on our time) and tailored to your needs
Recruitment and remuneration costs plus employment on-costs
Remuneration costs plus a mark-up
Set daily or hourly rate with mark-up
One contact point with a team of specialised lawyers for extra capacity and expertise
One person with one set of expertise
One person with one set of expertise
One person with one set of expertise
Contract term
Month-to-month with flexibility to scale up or down
Usually ongoing employment. If not successful can be disruptive and expensive to replace
Usually for a fixed term
Usually for a fixed term
Operating as in-house lawyers, seamlessly fitting into your team
May or may not have in-house experience
May or may not have in-house experience. Often brings traditional law firm approach
May or may not have in-house experience. Often brings traditional law firm approach

What some of our clients say about us.

Learn more about the breadth and depth of expertise across our entire team

Find out more about Source’s full range of legal, workplace, and compliance solutions

Powerful Together

Source has the benefit of working closely with our allied businesses, Hamilton Locke and Helios.

As a corporate and commercial law firm, Hamilton Locke was established as an evolution of the legal industry, breaking the mould of traditional law firm models, providing exceptional service, finding creative solutions and delivering smart advice.

Our alliance with Hamilton Locke provides seamless access to the right specialists, as and when the need arises.

Find out more

Stanislav Roth

Managing Director - Commercial
0428 328 452

Sean Melbourne

Executive Director - Workplace
0411 647 453

Erin Wilson

Director - Employment
0410 615 065

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